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Senin, 18 April 2011

Game of throne : review - a song of ice and fire

Actor Sean Bean and David Benioff leads D.B. Small-screen adaptation of Weiss' by George RR Martin's bestselling "A Song of Ice and Fire" novel.

 Almost a minute of the game a few HBO's epic series of Thrones, it is clear that the hype is true and waited in vain.
Based on the bestselling fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire books by George RR Martin - often referred to as "the American Tolkien" - HBO is betting that fans of The Lord of the Rings come to this for the story, wide braid from hostile family , swords, sex, murder, animals, frayed loyalty, deceit, intrigue and the exercise of power.
Also they should. Thrones game has all the elements (many of whom previously) that cause the audience for shows like The Sopranos, et al. It 'was a series of fantasy should not scare anyone away, because - as God of the Rings - there is a real attraction for the costume-drama that pairs dense mythology with all the fun elements of war, honor, pride, lust, power and, yes, even humor. The mattress has all the people in the shovel and support them with an incredible story, great writing, great acting and some stunning visual effects.
Executive producer and writer David Benioff and DB Weiss will certainly have their hands full dealing with a big fan of what I am right or wrong (or left out or put in can not be in the books), but they have the support of Martin, who has worked closely with the duo, and that should count for much. Perhaps even more important for people who have not read the book or heard a lot about this series, Benioff and Weiss kick things off right - of action, bloodshed and strangeness. Director Tim Van Patten creates haunting, beautiful, wide expanse of the visual model (Northern Ireland, Malta), white snow and dark shadows, and also allows visual effects to give a hard blow.
How did 10-part series that is very important because a sofa Game is a complex story with lots of character and solid back-woven story. Although demanding of attention, never getting bogged down sofa. This type of drama where, when the first episode ends, you want nine more readily available. And it validates the idea that television is the perfect way to HBO a fantasy series is done correctly. As Martin sofa, standard on the gold, could end up landing HBO franchise next.
The throne is set in the fictional land of Westeros, where various clans - or home - has been living and fighting for a generation of a different nature, until Targaryens Seven Kingdom invaded and united under the Iron Throne. Now, years later, there is a battle for the throne.
From the beginning, the couch started to tell four stories, involving Stark House, run by Lord Eddard Stark (Sean Bean, who will be known to God from the "Rings fans), House Baratheon, maintained by Robert King Baratheon (beautiful Mark Addy), House Lannister, related to House Baratheon because Cersei Baratheon queen (Lena Headey) was born a Lannister, and exiled Targaryen House, where Prince Viserys Targaryen III (Harry Lloyd) wants to claim the Iron Throne and all United Seven of Westeros. To do this, it would require soldiers, that's why he wanted his sister, Princess Daenerys (Emily Clarke) to get married Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa), who leads a tribe of fierce horsemen.
Got it?
This is not really as difficult as it may seem. And there are more than a few unexpected surprise and also a deviation of humor (mostly supplied by Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister whoring and drinking knows no bounds). large series are to challenge the audience to pay attention, to connect the dots and anticipate the connection. Throne of managing the complexity, never excel makes you think you've lost the connection with history. This back and forth with the collection of accuracy and attention is made by people like rolls that you can follow, keeping under control their moods changing.
What it means, basically, is that there is strict control over the story and a real understanding that any person is - the nature of complexity that makes it easier to bear.
It 'hard to choose the most successful of the couch. ambition is a big world of fantasy is very well understood, the writing and acting outside of his contemporaries raised a whole series like The Borja and Camelot, visual appeal and continues to surprise with each episode.
What we have here is a pair recognized the successful collection of books with a fantasy television series that turns on and extend what is in the pipeline.
Worth waiting for? Of course. And even if you do not know what all the fuss is, you have to get in from the beginning to absorb the story of Martin's great.

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

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Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Tujuh Kiat Meraup Untung dari Investasi Emas

Investasi emas menawarkan cara yang sangat baik bagi investor untuk menyimpan kekayaan saat ekonomi sulit. Logam emas jauh lebih stabil dibandingkan dengan investasi jenis lain.

Saat ini harga emas tengah melonjak menyusul kekhawatiran investor terhadap perekonomian Amerika Serikat. Permintaan emas terus meningkat karena investor lebih percaya diri memegang emas daripada uang tunai.

Lihat saja, dalam satu tahun terakhir, harga emas melambung hingga 30 persen. Pada September 2009, harga emas masih di bawah US$1000 per ons (28,35 gram), saat ini telah mendekati US$1.300. Bahkan ini merupakan angka tertinggi sepanjang masa.

Connell Shaun, blogger yang juga investor keuangan menulis tujuh cara berinvestasi di logam mulia ini. Tulisan ini dipublikasikan, situs perusahaan manajemen investasi dan keuangan di Amerika Serikat. Mengacu artikel tersebut, VIVANews memformulasikan kembali tips investasi emas disesuaikan dengan kondisi di Indonesia.

1. Emas batangan
Investor yang berinvestasi emas akan memilih emas batangan. Emas batangan dianggap sah bila kemurniannya mencapai 22-24 karat. Di Indonesia, emas batangan bisa dibeli di PT Aneka Tambang Tbk divisi Logam Mulia maupun di Perum Pegadaian. Anda bisa bertransaksi online melalui atau menghubungi nomor telepon 021-299 80 900.

Emas batangan terdiri dari bermacam ukuran, mulai dari 25 gram, 50 gram, 100 gram, dan 1 kilogram. Emas dalam bentuk ini sangat cocok untuk sarana Investasi. Di mana pun kapan pun kita ingin menjualnya, nilainya tetap mengikuti standar international.

2. Emas simpanan
Anda mungkin tidak ingin menyimpan emas fisik di rumah karena risiko pencurian. Karena alasan ini, emas bisa disimpan di safety box di bank maupun yang lain. Atau bila Anda melihat, perusahaan ini menyediakan transaksi emas sekaligus menyimpannya.

3. Reksa dana emas
Reksa dana emas merupakan cara lain untuk berinvestasi di logam mulia ini. Anda tak perlu benar-benar memegang fisik emas, tapi Anda bisa mengambil manfaatnya.

Reksa dana emas biasanya tidak hanya ditanamkan pada perdagangan emas fisik, tetapi juga melibatkan transaksi saham perusahaan-perusahaan tambang emas. Sebelum menentukan investasi di reksa dana ini, biaya pengelolaan, beban dana, dan nilai aktiva bersih harus dipertimbangkan.

Konsultasikan dulu dengan penasihat keuangan penyedia reksa dana. Reksa dana emas mungkin akan memberikan kestabilan dalam investasi Anda, tapi emas fisik jauh lebih stabil. Namun, di Indonesia, reksa dana emas tampaknya belum cukup populer.

4. Saham pertambangan emas
Investor yang ingin berinvestasi emas tanpa memiliki fisik logam juga dapat memilih jenis ini. Anda bisa membeli saham pada perusahaan pertambangan emas. Investor mengharapkan harga saham perusahaan pertambangan emas naik karena harga emas naik. Namun, dua peristiwa ini tidak selalu kongruen.

Investor dapat menentukan keberhasilan saham dengan memeriksa biaya biaya produksi emas versus harga emas. Jika harga emas adalah US$700 per ons dan biaya untuk memproduksi emas adalah US$300, maka profit margin tambang emas adalah US$400.

Jika harga emas meningkat 10 persen, akan ada peningkatan laba tambang emas itu sekitar 20 persen. Sebaliknya, penurunan harga juga akan menghasilkan penurunan 20 persen. Karena itu, beberapa perusahaan pertambangan emas melindungi investasi mereka dengan lindung nilai harga emas 18 bulan ke depan. Di Indonesia, salah satu emiten di tambang emas adalah PT Aneka Tambang Tbk.

5. ETF emas
Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) merupakan reksa dana yang diperdagangkan di bursa efek. Anda bisa melakukan transaksi ini dengan reksa dana yang berbasis emas. Sayangnya investasi ETF di Indonesia belum berjalan baik.

6. Emas berjangka
Emas berjangka merupakan cara lain berinvestasi emas tanpa memiliki fisik emas. Jual beli emas membutuhkan kontrak dengan jangka tertentu. Harganya juga dinyatakan dalam kontrak. Jika harga emas pada tanggal kontrak lebih tinggi dari harga emas saat kontrak dibuat, maka investor akan menghasilkan keuntungan. Namun, jika harga lebih rendah, investor akan rugi.

Berinvestasi dalam emas berjangka mungkin merupakan investasi yang berisiko, karena investor harus memprediksi gerak harga emas ke depan.

7. Perhiasan dan koin emas
Koin emas, terutama yang langka, sangat bernilai dalam investasi. Ini bukan hanya karena nilai emasnya tetapi juga karena nilai kelangkaan. Sedangkan perhiasan emas adalah cara umum investasi di logam ini. Perhiasan emas bisa Anda pilih sekaligus sebagai investasi dan gaya hidup.

Sayangnya keuntungan investasi ini sangat sedikit. Sebab ketika Anda membeli perhiasan, uang yang Anda bayarkan terdiri untuk harga emasnya, ongkos pembuatan, desain, dan merk. Sedangkan bila dijual, Anda hanya mendapatkan nilai emasnya saja. (hs)
• VIVAnews

sumber :

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Type Orang berdasarkan Status Update facebook/twitter

Orang sok puitis = biasa nulis distatusnya “ senyum yang terukir diwajahmu adalah cerminan kelembutan hatimu”

Orang Sok Sibuk = biasa nulis distatusnya “06.00 siap2 brgkt….07.00 packing barang 07.30 ngampus…duhhh hari ini jadwal padat banget, jln ma pacar…kesalon…kepasar…..masak…nyebokin ad’….hufff”

Orang sok Jaim = biasa nulis distatusnya “ males ahh...mending #SKA @kaskus aja ”

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Orang gaptek = ga biasa nulis status

Blogger Luar Angkasa

Blogger Luar Angkasa (Blogger Pertama yang posting tulisan dari luar angkasa)

udah pada tau ga blogger yang memposting blognya langsung dari angkasa luar (wooww)

ini dia orangnya teman teman:

Maksim Viktorovich Surayev
(Russian: Максим Викторович Сураев) Lahir 24 Mei 1972, di Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Blog online astronot Maksim Surayev adalah kejadian luar angkasa internasional. Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah, kosmonot Rusia akan posting berita dan cerita menarik yang berbeda dengan banyak foto langsung dari luar angkasa.

ini tulisannya gan yang diposting dari luar angkasa September 30, 2009

It turned out, that cosmos smells. And it smells not in different ways for every person. It smells the same for all of us. Maksim and his colleagues decided that the smell of space reminds somehow of… If you had ever stroke two granite stones against each other, then you know how it smells.

One more interesting theme on the station is cuisine. They’re receiving canned food from the Earth all the time. But there is a question came up. The cosmonauts received two cans, first says “Chicken with eggs” and the second states “Omelet with chicken”. What’s the difference? Also there is a lot of confusion because of translation things. Once the American counterpart of the station received can which was saying in Russian “Cashew sins” instead of Cashew nuts.

Three weeks ago the inhabitants of the station received a message from the Earth that a piece of space junk drawing near them very steadily. They were given the orders to pack their things up and to move to the Russian “Soyuz” spaceship (if junk would run into their ship, they would have been forced to leave the station on a Russian spaceship and go back to the Earth). But then some hours passed and they received messages both from Russia and the USA that everything’s is alright and the junk overpassed them.

In addition to all of it, the astronauts spend 2-3 hours a day taking different exercises. They say that it is very fast to rest from anything in space. Your muscles need just a few minutes of floating under zero gravity to relax completely. And everyone has a thing of his own to do except of work. Some people grow lettuce and wheat to cut the shortage of vitamins, some writing poems and some writing diaries to let all curious people like you know how it is like in outer space.

Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

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Jumat, 02 Januari 2009






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